Three Georgia Tech students just trying to create some cool stuff.
4th year CM student from Atlanta, GA.
As a member of CAA Designs, Arianna focused her efforts on the design of the product assets. She worked extensively with the team members during each phase of the campaign from album design to product layouts. She focused mostly on refining and editing the final promotional video, logo, as well as shooting and designing the products for the page and album cover. After completing the campaign, Arianna has gained experience with branding and software such as Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro.
4th year CM student from Atlanta,GA.
As a member of CAA Designs, Chris focused
his efforts on extensive research and content creation. He collected and verified all proclamations on the infographic as well as any text on the website. He worked extensively with the team members during each phase of the campaign from designing the album cover to finalizing the website with all required design process deliverables. After completing the campaign Chris has gained newfound perspective. Seeing the entire landscape of the beauty industry shift around Rihanna's ideals in order to showcase beauty in all of its forms, has been beneficial in proving that good design is inclusive and empowering.
4th year LMC student from Atlanta,GA.
As a member of CAA Designs, Alexus focused her efforts on the overall messaging of the campaign. She worked extensively with team members during each phase of the design process from brainstorming design concepts to product shoots. She focused mostly on creating the final website, designing supplemental visuals, introduction to final promotional video, as well as bringing all assets together into one cohesive product. After completing the campaign Alexus has gained immense knowledge about brand marketing, video editing, and photoshopping images.